Curated code puzzles to build your skills

CodingPawzzles is a free and easy way to improve your web development skillset. Puzzles to your inbox—delivered by cat!

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Cats love privacy and so do we. We respect everyone on our list and will never share your details with anyone or send you any spam. We only send developer puzzle emails

How do Coding Pawzzles work?

CodingPawzzle emails are sent out every Monday & Thursday. Each email contains one coding puzzle, and the answer to the last email’s puzzle. Think of it like a daily crossword for developers.

Try a Code Pawzzle

Pawzzles encourage you to challenge yourself. Each week you’ll receive web-related puzzles: html, css, js, http and sql. No matter your skill level, you can strengthen your web fundamentals and reach for the next level. Try some out below.

// Q. What will happen when the following code runs, and why?


Answer & Explanation

The code raises a SyntaxError. JS treats numbers followed by a . as a decimal, not a method call. This is equivalent to (100.)toString(), which is syntactically invalid. If you’d like to convert 100 to a String, use 100..toString(), which is equivalent to (100.).toString().

// Q. This doesn’t work as described, but is close:
What will this HTML display?

<div style=“width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: blue;”>
    <div style=“width: 50px; height: 50px; background-color: red;”></div>

Answer & Explanation

The inner div doesn’t completely cover the blue background of the outer div. This is because the default CSS position is static, meaning that the inner div is placed in the normal flow of the document and does not overlap the outer div. This results in the blue background still being visible in the area around the red div.

// Our database’s cats and dogs tables have ordinary columns such as name, age, and allergies and several rows of data in each table. We want to generate a list of all the names in both tables combined, but the query raised an error. What is wrong with it?

SELECT name FROM cats, dogs;

Answer & Explanation

SQL raises an error because both tables in the query contain a name column, so name is ambiguous. Our query must be more precise and specify which name columns to access. The easy fix is to run two separate queries and It is possible to generate the complete list of names using UNION

Why you’ll love our puzzles

Why you’ll love our puzzles

Created by Educators

Each pawzzle is thoughtfully designed by our team of software educators at Launch School

Engaging Web Puzzles

Our interactive, bite-sized puzzles are a hands-on way to learn html, css, js, http and sql

Free and Direct to your Inbox

No sign-ins, no paid subscriptions. CodingPawzzles can be done on your time and fits easily into your schedule


I mean who doesn’t love cute, furry felines delivering coding puzzles to your inbox?

A community of puzzle lovers

Pawzzles can be challenging! If you need extra help follow our twitter page for community discussion on today’s puzzle. Our feline friends will also leave puzzle hints and helpful developer resources along the way

Curious to improve your developer skills?

Enter your email below to receive weekly CodingPawzzles. The first one arrives in your inbox on May 1st 2023!

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Cats love privacy and so do we. We respect everyone on our list and will never share your details with anyone or send you any spam. We only send developer puzzle emails